My yarn and knitting supplies were slowly taking over the space around the sofa in our living room. Yesterday, I decided to remove all yarn that's is not part of a WIP out of the living room knitting basket and into the 'yarn space' in the bedroom. It was kind of a relief, and I got quite motivated to finish some of the WIPS - the Vest from Feminin Strik, that I started last summer, have almost finished the back but it might be to big - the wrap-around shawl from Designstrik, not awfully challenging but great for lectures or in between projects- the Heirloom bag that is missing the crochet decor and lining, and the pink tabi socks that I got tired of but I want to finish them to wear them this summer. I also found a couple of finished projects that haven't been photographed or added to Ravelry...
Today, I finally had time to sew a long awaited organizer for my circular knitting needles. It can hold 24 sets of circulars. Currently, there is around 14 sets, but I think there is a few more laying around and a couple in use. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and I'm sure it will be used a lot.
I now have a complete set of needle organizers. The circular needle organizer matches the rolls I made for my crochet hooks and double pointed needles back in February.
I have been playing with the thought of making a couple of 'project needle organizers' - smaller organizers that are carried along with WIPS and can hold two sets of circulars, two sets of dpns, and maybe a few notions like a pen, notebook, scissors and measuring tape. Hopefully, I will manage to make one or two during the summer.

Yesterday I was also finally back at Café Retro for knitting night. I have been so busy with the bachelor project that I almost haven't have time to knit at all (although I have made a vest and a sweater..!), and I hadn't been to Café Retro for more than a month. It was good to be back, and I had a soft start, since we were only four yesterday. I was knitting on my swatch for Serafias Vinter, (which I had ordered more than a month ago, and finally got it the day I finished school - they probably knew I would have time to start it sooner...) and crocheting the first flower for my Heirloom bag, that have been in hibernation since Autumn.
Unfortunately, I will be working several coming Tuesdays, so I don't know when I will get to go next. There's nothing wrong with coming directly from work covered in paint and glitter, I suppose, so I might do that when I'm off early.

really gd idea